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Are you struggling with how to make the switch from shoot and burn to in-person sales?

Are you afraid that you won’t be able to confidently run a sales appointment?

Making the switch to IPS can be scary and it’s difficult to stop undervaluing yourself - but this may be the secret behind why your business isn’t growing like it should.

It’s not that your work isn’t good enough.

It’s not that your prices are too high.

It’s not that you’re not working hard enough (because we know you are!!).

It’s not your fault.

It’s just that no one has shown you the step-by-step process for exactly how to use in-person sales to sell your photography - AND the strategy that ties it all together.

In-person sales can be a great tool to sell your photography, but only if you know the key strategies we’ll teach you in this bundle.

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Learn how you learn best

The material is presented in a variety of formats so there’s something for every learning style - video resources, written resources, and interactive worksheets.

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Grow on the go

The material is available to you 24/7, online or on a mobile app. Access it while you’re waiting at the DMV, on a plane, or anywhere else - no wifi required!

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Maximize PROFIT

You’ll learn how thousands of photographers have doubled, tripled, or quadrupled their average sale using our proven IPS methods! It’s your turn to have a success story like that!!

This bundle will walk you through developing a simple plan to start selling your photography with in-person sales.

You don’t just need tips and tricks… these won’t do you any good without a solid strategy behind them.

You’ll learn not just the what, but the HOW of IPS, in a step-by-step format, so you can move forward confidently without wasting anymore time guessing what you should be doing.

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How is it different?

Other courses may give you tips and ideas, but they don’t show you exactly how to implement what you’re learning.

Our bundle gives you step-by-step processes which literally outlines each step, exactly what you need to complete that step (with examples!), and what results to be looking for. You’ll also learn how to adjust when an approach isn’t getting good results, and the bundle will be updated as needed to keep up with the rapid changes in social media.

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What’s included:

  • In-Person Sales

    • Why IPS is great for your clients AND you

    • What IPS is not

    • Common objections

    • You’re the expert

    • Dealing with fears about IPS

    • Sales is not a dirty word

    • What’s wrong with just selling digitals?

    • Fear and lack of confidence

    • Things to consider before you include a file with a print order

    • Exceptions to IPS

    • Letting go

  • The Sales Appointment

    • Intro to the sales appointment

    • How to choose the images to show

    • How to prep your clients

    • How to prep room views

    • How to carry/transport samples

    • Where to meet

    • How to show images

    • What to bring/have checklist

    • Two ways to use printed proofs

    • Essential tools for printed proofs

    • How to make your first sale

    • How to take payment

    • Delivery tips

    • A live sales session

    • Sales demo with Room View

  • Order form template

  • More Sales Tips

    • Common sales mistakes

    • Advanced sales tips

    • 9 tips for long distance IPS

    • Calling previous clients for a new sale

    • Same-day IPS

    • Payment plans

    • Clients for life

    • Wedding IPS


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“Making change is scary. I am the biggest chicken there is. But IPSM has never let me down in finding the courage and information I need to make big changes. The information is so organized and the amount of content is packed full. It has helped me realize what I do for others and that I need to trust myself. I have NEVER found education that could do this before. I feel so sure and prepared to make big changes in my business, and I’m really happy with how our future is looking!”



“I am loving every moment of every video! It is already changing my mindset, my way of thinking about money, and how to make changes in my business. I’m able to keep focus way better and there is content for so many different learning styles, which I love. Switching to IPS has changed my business so much, bringing me more income while also teaching me how to give my clients a better experience!! Thank you, IPSM!”




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you can get all this material AND hundreds of other resources to grow your business in our groundbreaking Revive! program - for

just $99/month.

You’ll get videos, scripts, worksheets, and templates about:

Marketing (online & in-person)
…and much more!