Is your marketing feeling stale?
Are you not getting the results you imaged?
If you don’t have a solid strategy behind your in-person marketing methods, your efforts may be wasted.
Scattered, disorganized marketing is highly ineffective - and this may be the secret behind why your business isn’t growing like it should.
It’s not that your work isn’t good enough.
It’s not that your prices are too high.
It’s not that you’re not working hard enough (because we know you are!!).
It’s not your fault.
It’s just that no one has shown you the step-by-step process for exactly how to use in-person marketing to your advantage - AND the strategy that ties it all together.
With the In-Person Marketing Jump Start, we will teach you how to push your marketing and start attracting your ideal client!
Let us help you make money!
Social media can be a great tool to market your photography, but we’ll teach you how to also use in-person marketing tactics to attract your ideal client.
Learn how you learn best
The material is presented in a variety of formats so there’s something for every learning style - video resources, written resources, and interactive worksheets.
Grow on the go
The material is available to you 24/7, online or on a mobile app. Access it while you’re waiting at the DMV, on a plane, or anywhere else - no wifi required!
Maximize Efficiency
You’ll learn how to maximize your effectiveness with in-person marketing without sacrificing efficiency — in other words, how to get the most impact in the least amount of time.
This bundle will walk you through developing a unique, customized in-person marketing strategy for your business.
You don’t just need tips and tricks… these won’t do you any good without a solid strategy behind them.
You’ll learn not just the what, but the HOW of in-person marketing, in a step-by-step format, so you can move forward confidently without wasting anymore time guessing what you should be doing.
How is it different?
Other courses may give you tips and ideas, but they don’t show you exactly how to implement what you’re learning.
Our bundle gives you step-by-step processes which literally outlines each step, exactly what you need to complete that step (with examples!), and what results to be looking for. You’ll also learn how to adjust when an approach isn’t getting good results, and how to think outside the box to create brand new marketing strategies that no one in your area is using!
What’s included:
Model calls
Intro to model calls
Model call process
Silent Auctions
Intro to silent auctions
Why should you participate in silent auctions?
Choosing the right auctions
What should you offer?
What should you display?
Should you include your pricing?
What should you include for the winner?
How do I contact the auctions?
Cooperative Marketing - Partnerships
Partnerships and displays
How to choose the right partner
Mini Sessions
Intro to mini sessions
Fears about mini sessions
Why offer mini sessions?
Mini session basics
How to market your mini sessions?
Tips for mini sessions
Mini session handout
Creating a Comprehensive Marketing Plan
“I had a lag in my business last year and I thought I had tried everything to market myself in my area. This bundle helped me so much! I came up with different marketing strategies that helped me partner with a local business, and I’ve been able to run a successful model call that has resulted in lots more clients. I never would have been able to do this on my own - thank you so much!”
“I was completely clueless about how I could market myself outside of social media. I had tried flyers in local businesses, but that wasn’t bringing me any business. Rachael’s marketing information helped me get out of my rut and start partnering with local businesses in a way that was beneficial to both of us. I’ve been able to book so many more of my IDEAL client - people who view photography as something worth investing in. I’m so excited about what the rest of this year will bring!”
(one-time payment)
just $499
Unlimited access
Immediate download
you can get all this material AND hundreds of other resources to grow your business in our groundbreaking Revive! program - for
just $99/month.
You’ll get videos, scripts, worksheets, and templates about: