You’re in the established phase!



Your hard work is paying off! Your business is well established and running fairly smoothly. Sure, you still have areas where you want to grow, but overall you are proud of what you’ve created and the hard work it’s taken to get here.



The exciting thing is, you can build on what you’ve started and create a business that is ready to expand into something truly life-changing. With the right workflow, outsourcing, and marketing, you can scale your business easily and reach a broader segment of high-paying clients without losing the balance you’ve created.

I’ve worked with hundreds of photographers in the same spot. And while there’s no universal guide to being successful in business, I’ve learned that continuing to refine your marketing plan - even if you have strategies that are working fairly well - is the key to expanding beyond what you thought possible.


For your next step, I’d recommend my free masterclass to dive deep into practical marketing tips that will help you find more clients now. You already have a good handle on what works, but this class will help give you fresh perspective on how you can market even more effectively.

This class is totally free, so pick a time that works for you or watch it right now!


 I’m a business-loving photographer who is passionate about serving my clients AND helping other photographers achieve their goals!

I wake up every day excited to teach folks how to dream big and overcome fear to finally earn what they are worth for their beautiful images.

I’m also a mom of 4, foster mom, overachiever, daydreamer, coffee-drinker and risk-taker.

If you want your business to be fulfilling, successful, and more profitable than you ever dreamed, stick around - you’re in the right place!


 Keep your eye on your inbox for more great tips for how to grow your business while leveraging your absolute awesomeness!